Where I Lay My Head: Locally Dyed Pillowcase Workshop

A natural dye nod to where you sleep. Most of us lay our heads on pillows to sleep but we also sleep within a larger place. We are nestled in our local ecosystem as yard, neighborhood, park, or town. We are sleeping with thoughts, dreams, and memories formed in moments, families, cultures. As pillowcases have historically been embellished to tell some of these place-based  stories, we will use plants grown or foraged locally to imprint on a pillowcase. Techniques used will be bundle dying, simple dye-resist, and eco-printing. In an effort to extend textile use, students are encouraged to use a pillowcase of their own following the guide provided. Second-hand pillowcases will also be available to use in class for those who need one.

Materials: All materials will be provided through the material fee.

Course Description:

Date ——————————— May 4, 2025
Time ——————————-- 1 pm - 3:30 pm
Location ————————— Oak Ridge
1924 East 1600 Rd
Lawrence, KS 66044
Age ——————————— 16+
Class Size ————————- 8
Skill ——————————-- Beginner
Tuition —————————- $40-60
Material Fee ———————- $20 + $5 if purchasing pillowcase; please bring at time of class

Course Information: